Cheerful Giving? Mark 12:38-44

Text: “Every man (woman) according as he/she purposeth in his/her heart, so let him/her give; not grudgingly, or of necessity, for God loveth a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9:7.

Good morning, poor Christian!  Have faith, dear friend, for though you are financially poor, you can be both rich in Spiritual wealth, and a sincere and cheerful giver.

“Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom, for with the same measure that ye mete (weigh/give) withal it shall be measured to you again.”  (Luke 6:38)

Today’s Scripture reading sets forth two types of givers; two types of religious professors; two types of religious practice - which we must consider wisely.

One set of givers, while SEEMING to give plenty, gave little - because they had much more to give.  The other seems to be giving little, yet is in fact the greater giver!  Paradox and parable instruct us when we study God’s glorious Word.  (2 Timothy 2:15) (Psalm 119:18)

The Sly Scribes: (Vs. 38-40) The Lord knows the hearts of humankind; we can fool other mere mortals; we can sometimes even fool ourselves - but the Lord God always KNOWS the true motives of every person’s heart.

Thus, Christ warns us to beware of the sly scribes among us, and depicts quite clearly their practice.  (Jeremiah 17:9)

“…Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.”   (1 Samuel 16:7b)

Such professors are the fickle facades of any Church group.  They are always there at Church meetings, total legalists - yet sad to say, never become an integral part of Christ’s Body, the Church.  (Matthew 7:15-23)

Sly Scribes are the peacocks of Church meetings - always dressed in the latest fashion; you will hear them before you see them; and they always need to sit where they can be clearly seen by all others.

These professors frequently possess vast material wealth - yet the Lord reveals how they have accrued it, often by ungodly cruel means - and thus their begrudged giving is unacceptable in His Holy sight.  Damnation is the fool’s reward. 

“The fool hath said in his heart there is no God.”  He/she has actually said, “No, God!”    (Psalm 53:1)

The Wise Widow: (Vs. 41-44) Praise God, the Church has always its share of wise widow types.  These true Christians may not be attired in finery at meetings, nor have a great deal of material/financial gifts to give to the Church - but the sincere Scriptural way they share the SPIRITUAL gifts God has given them, is a joy to behold and they are often the backbone of any Church group.

It is akin to the difference in having a John Baptist in the congregation, or a Pharisaic peacock - one clothed in clean rags, or one attired in filthy finery. (Mark 1:6-8) (James 5:1-7) (James 2:1-10)

J.C. Ryle Comments:

“Let us learn, in the last place, from these verses, how pleasing to Christ is self-denying liberality in giving. This is a lesson which is taught us in a striking manner, by our Lord’s commendation of a certain poor widow. We are told that He “beheld how the people cast in” their voluntary contributions for God’s service into the public collecting box or “treasury.” He saw “many that were rich casting in much.” At last, he saw this poor widow cast in all that she had for her daily maintenance. And then we hear Him pronounce the solemn words, “This poor woman hath cast more in than they all,”—more in the sight of Him who looks not merely at the amount given, but at the ability of the giver; not merely at the quantity contributed, but at the motive and heart of the con­tributor…

“The stinginess of professing Christians in all matters which concern God and religion, is one of the crying sins of the day, and one of the worst signs of the times. The givers to Christ’s cause are but a small section of the visible church. Not one baptized person in twenty, probably, knows anything of being “rich towards God.” (Luke12:21) The vast majority spend pounds on themselves, and give not even pence to Christ.

“Let us mourn over this state of things, and pray God to amend it. Let us pray Him to open men’s eyes, and awake men’s hearts, and stir up a spirit of liberality. Above all, let us each do our own duty, and give liberally and gladly to every Christian object, while we can. There will be no giving when we are dead. Let us give as those who remember that the eyes of Christ are upon us. He still sees exactly what each give, and knows exactly how much is left behind. Above all, let us give as the disciples of a crucified Saviour, who gave Himself, for us, body and soul, on the cross. Freely we have received. Let us freely give.”  (J.C. Ryle’s Exposition of Mark’s Gospel)

Human ‘books’ are not judged by their covers.  The wise widow gave what she could with a cheerful heart.  The sly Scribe keeps all he/she can and gives merely what he/she must to keep up appearances.  (Luke 6:38)

Let us therefore, seek to be liberal and cheerful in all our Christian giving.

Thought:  God blesses not what we give - but how we give it!  Give now!

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